Music touches the heart and soul of all people.
This xmas, I want to purchase an amazing gift for my daughter for her new home.
She will be truly surprised when she receives a piano.
Aarne Kritt
The Donner musical instrument is just what I need. I can also teach, my grandchildren, with it.
Looking for the best Christmas deal.
Best wishes,
Estonia, EU
Andrea O.
We are saving for the DDP100 or DDP200 so I can teach my kids! We love the Donner pianos!
Chris Haynes
I am saving money to buy a HUSH-I guitar. I hope I can save enough money to buy it after the New Year.
Mark D Titman
How about a concertina for adults.
I could really wrap my hands around that!
Donald Sparks
Hi; I am only interested in the DED-500p in green, please! When will it be available?
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Sandra A.
Music touches the heart and soul of all people.
This xmas, I want to purchase an amazing gift for my daughter for her new home.
She will be truly surprised when she receives a piano.
Aarne Kritt
The Donner musical instrument is just what I need. I can also teach, my grandchildren, with it.
Looking for the best Christmas deal.
Best wishes,
Estonia, EU
Andrea O.
We are saving for the DDP100 or DDP200 so I can teach my kids! We love the Donner pianos!
Chris Haynes
I am saving money to buy a HUSH-I guitar. I hope I can save enough money to buy it after the New Year.
Mark D Titman
How about a concertina for adults.
I could really wrap my hands around that!
Donald Sparks
Hi; I am only interested in the DED-500p in green, please! When will it be available?